Ivy and Bean musical logo on yellow background

Ivy + Bean the Musical

60-80 Minutes
Musical Comedy
6f, 3m
Best for Schools, Community & Youth Theatres


Come meet quiet Ivy, who has amazing ideas, and outgoing Bean, who loves to put ideas into action. In this lively musical based on the best-selling book series, an unlikely friendship between the two second-grade heroines blossoms into hilarious escapades that get the whole Pancake Court neighborhood in on the fun!

Casting & Production


4 female, 3 male roles (with doubling)

6 female, 3 male roles (without doubling)

BEAN (Female, 7 years old) – loud, wild, and goofy, Bean loves to make up games and is determined to have fun with her friends on Pancake Court…and if that means she has to best her sister Nancy in the process–all the better! (alto)

IVY (Female, 7 years old) – quiet, “proper,” and full of ideas, Ivy spends most of her time reading…and learning how to be a witch. (mezzo)

NANCY / ZUZU (Female, 11 years old) – eager to be a teenager, Nancy is always trying to distance herself from Bean and Bean’s friends, and she’s never impressed with Ivy and Bean’s games or plans, which can often make her stand-offish. (alto)

MOM / SOPHIE W. / IVY’S MOM (Female, 30s) – Bean’s mother is patient and caring, but she knows how to keep Bean in check when she has to…even if she’d rather laugh along. (soprano)

DAD / ERIC (Male, 30s) – goofy, fun-loving, and optimistic, Bean’s father is amused by Ivy and Bean’s antics–when he’s not saying “No way.” (baritone)

LEO (Male, 7 years old) – sporty and competitive, Leo has a bit of a rivalry with Bean, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t eager to be a part of her and Ivy’s games. (tenor)

Orchestral Information

Accompaniment CD

Guide Vocals CD



IVY + BEAN The Musical

Book, Music, and Lyrics by Scott Elmegreen

Based on the Books by Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall

IVY + BEAN books by Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall are available at http://www.chroniclebooks.com/landing-pages/ivyandbean/index.html as well as from major bookstores and online retailers.
