
[PORTO] by Kate Benson ISBN Print Edition: 978-1-63852-019-1 E-Script: 978-1-63852-042-9 A woman walks into a bar. Her name is Porto. She’s a regular. She likes this bar: serious food, serious wine, serious bartender–a staple in a gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhood (perhaps Bushwick?). Her friends, her wine, and her artisanal snacks are there; her doubts about being […]

Lot’s Wife

When struggling actor Tom Braddle discovers that his former fiancé has written a new play with a part for him, his hopes for reuniting are dashed by a realization that the play is all too autobiographical. Did Adam have a hand in the tragic death of his wife and child? A dizzying constellation of competing […]

Sagittarius Ponderosa

Archer (still Angela to his family) doesn’t want to move back to his childhood home in eastern Oregon when his father falls ill. But at night under the oldest Ponderosa Pine, he meets a stranger who knows the history of the forests and the sadness of losing endangered things. As Archer accepts big changes in […]

Off Peak

When two old flames run into each other on the evening commute, different views of the same past threaten to derail their connection. A new play about forgiving, forgetting, and the healing power of a good delay.

A Measure of Cruelty

After a horrifying act of bullying, one of the perpetrators, Derek, is hidden away by a recently discharged, traumatized soldier Buddy, who hides Derek away in his father Teddy’s bar in the days after the crime. In a blistering 80 minutes all three men have to face each other, themselves, and the dangerous, antiquated, but […]


Gilda is a middle-aged American worker and life-long union member. After her factory moves to Mexico, she is tasked with training her replacement, a young Mexican man named Eduardo. The union stands firmly against this retraining but it is the only way Gilda can receive her small, but necessary payout. SCAB is a story of […]

Sanctuary City

In post-9/11 Newark, NJ, two teenagers who were brought to America as children become one another’s sanctuaries from harsh circumstances. When G becomes naturalized, she and B hatch a plan to marry so that he may legally remain in the country and pursue the future he imagines for his life. But as time hurtles on […]


When a freshman is unexpectedly given the coveted role of Lady Macbeth, a few upperclassmen actresses invite her over to “celebrate” her casting and reassert their positions at the top of the theatre department’s hierarchy. As the Fireball and Svedka flow, the girls interrogate their own sense of ambition as well as the power structures […]

Sensitive Guys

The Men’s Peer Education group at Watson College is dedicated to unpacking and exposing male privilege. These “sensitive guys” believe that through increased self-awareness they can end sexual violence on campus; but when a shocking rumor surfaces, the group is shaken to the core. Sensitive Guys features a cast of women and gender nonconforming actors, […]

The Seagull

Irína Arkádina is a famous—but fading—actress in Russia at the turn of the last century. She and her lover, Boris Trigórin, a well-known author, arrive at her brother Sórin’s country estate for the summer, just as son Konstantín is staging an experimental new play he’s written and directed, starring his girlfriend, Nína. Konstantín wants to […]