Alligator Mouth, Tadpole Ass



ALLIGATOR MOUTH, TADPOLE ASS is a twistedly queer memory play about a troubled man in 1986 looking for answers at Miss Chelley’s Fortune Shop in NYC. Instead of the answers he craves, he connects with a young man working there whose memory is constantly triggered by their incredibly intense connection. They cruise and dance their way through the past leading them to a dangerous night of improper role play.

Casting & Production


EVANDER (“VAN”) — 17, Male, Latine.

HANK — 40, Male, Latine.

CHELLEY — 35, Female. Played by EVANDER.

MERCEDES — 40, Male, Evander’s father. Played by HANK. This play should be cast with two Latine, male-presenting actors. It is important that CHELLEY is played by the same actor playing EVANDER, and that MERCEDES is played by the same actor playing HANK.

Casting Note: This play should be cast with two Latine, male-presenting actors. It is important that CHELLEY is played by the same actor playing EVANDER, and that MERCEDES is played by the same actor playing HANK. Do not cast these roles with other actors.


“ALLIGATOR MOUTH, TADPOLE ASS is a commendation of original artistry, an exploration of identity and an appraisal of queerness seen in a relationship between two men.”
—The Daily Californian