Sabrina Jackson cannot cope with the death of her son by a White cop. Rather than herald the Black Lives Matter movement, Sabrina retreats inward, living out a comic book superhero fantasy. Will Sabrina stay in this dream world or return to reality and mourn her loss?
Casting & Production
SABRINA JACKSON aka MAASAI ANGEL — 35-40, a single Black mother.
TRAMARION JACKSON — 14, a Black son.
LENA EVERS — 32, Sabrina’s sister; Tramarion’s aunt.
CONNIE WRIGHT aka LADY VULTURE — 35, an Asian-American news anchor.
TOM BLACKMAN aka HUMAN HYENA — 40, a Black field reporter.
COACH COREY BRACKETT aka DEEP THINKER — 40, a part-time coach; full-time history teacher. A Black man.
FLAT JOE/JOSEPH A. HUGHES — 14, someone else’s Black son; the boy who lived.
DAVE LESTER aka DEATH TAP— 40, a White cop.
MICAH — the voice of Connie’s producer. Can be played by Tom or Dave.
HOST — the host of Know Your Heritage game show as Tramarion imagines him. Played by Corey.
Chicago, present.
A teenage boy’s bedroom.
Other “spaces” on stage as denoted.
“Playwright Inda Craig-Galván and director Robert O’Hara have brilliantly brought modern-day issues such as race-motivated police shootings, gun control, personal responsibility, ratings-motivated media reporting, and parenting styles to the forefront in this world premiere.”
—Shari Barrett, Broadway World
“Impressively daring, the play escapes into a comic book universe to better come to grips with an overwhelming and all too real—American horror.”
—Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times