In this climate-chaos comic-tragedy, a burnt-out coder has become a hermit in the wilderness, nursing a broken arm and making lists from memory—of endangered species, moments of Lost Time, Incorrect States of Mind—in company with her only friend, a gray fox with a bad attitude. When wildfires approach, they flee through the wilderness to the sea, pursued by feckless would-be rescuers and threatened by a punk psychopomp.
Casting & Production
MAC — a woman with a broken arm
GRAY — a gray fox but not evidently so (no fox costume), played by a man
JANE — a young woman wearing a rural sheriff’s uniform
JOE — a young man, same uniform
PSYCHOPOMP — a glam/punk non-binary or gender-fluid young person, possibly with iridescent green wings
Casting Note:
All characters may be played by actors of any race or ethnicity, and gender requirements are flexible.
Very soon.
One summer evening into night in a coastal wilderness.
Part 1 — In a hut
Part 2 — In the woods
Part 3 — On a beach