Miss Nelson’s class is the worst behaved in the whole school. Spitballs flying across the room, paper airplanes sailing every which way and uncontrollable children send gentle, long-suffering Miss Nelson over the edge. But the students of Room 207 are in for a surprise when Miss Nelson goes missing and is replaced by Viola Swamp, a no-nonsense substitute who assigns piles of homework! The students learn lessons of appreciation and respect as they set out to find their beloved Miss Nelson … but will they ever get her back?
Casting & Production
Female Lead:
MISS NELSON (Mezzo/Soprano) — sweet, pretty, blond, wears pastels
MISS VIOLA SWAMP (Alto) — mean, scary, ugly, a witch, dark hair, wears all black
Male Lead:
POP HANSON (speaking part only) —the Janitor/Narrator, bushy mustache, wears overalls, baseball cap, carries a broom and a pitchpipe
MR. BLANDSFORD (Tenor) — The boring Principal; wears a pastel shirt and a loud, funny tie or a bowtie, and nerdy glasses
DETECTIVE McSMOGG (Baritone) — The inept detective, dressed like Sherlock Holmes, signature hat and cape, handle-bar mustache, pipe, large magnifying glass
The Kids:
ADAM (BOY #1) (Tenor) — Has a wild imagination and dark thoughts, clever, creative, smart, a leader, a mischief-maker, brave on the outside, a cream puff on the inside
ALLISON (GIRL #1) (Soprano) — Bossy, a leader, take-charge type, especially in times of crisis, smart, quick, no-nonsense, usually knows the answer, thinks for herself, presents a perfect image when the teacher is looking, a goody two shoes
GREGORY (BOY #2) (Baritone) — A.D.D. type, finds it hard to sit still and pay attention, lives in his own world, lacking in self-control, silly, artistic, draws (especially unflattering pictures of Miss Nelson)
CHERYL (GIRL #2) (Alto) — A follower, silly, a girly girl, but wicked, sneaky, can hold her own, a tattle-tale, a worrier, scares easily
Orchestral Information
Accompaniment Tracks
Piano-Vocal Score
Book, Music and Lyrics by JOAN CUSHING
Based on the book “Miss Nelson is Missing” and “Miss Nelson is Back” by HARRY ALLARD
Illustrated by JAMES MARSHALL