Miss Nelson’s class is the worst behaved in the whole school. Spitballs flying across the room, paper airplanes sailing every which way and uncontrollable children send the gentle, long-suffering teacher, Miss Nelson, over the edge. But the students of Room 207 are in for a surprise when Miss Nelson turns up missing and is replaced by Viola Swamp, a scary substitute teacher who assigns homework from hell and wields her ruler like a sword! In desperation, the students set out to find their beloved Miss Nelson … but will they ever get her back? Lessons of appreciation and respect.
MISS NELSON IS MISSING! Younger@Part® is the authorized 30-minute edition of the Off-Broadway musical for elementary schools and youth theatres (grades 2 – 5). Through a series of workshops, our Younger@Part® musicals are tailor-made for younger performers. Song keys are changed where needed, songs and scenes are edited for time and content, while keeping the spirit of the original Off-Broadway show intact. There are great parts for girls, boys, and can include any sized ensemble/chorus, who appear throughout the show.
Each Younger@Part® title comes complete with Performance Tracks, Guide Vocal Tracks, Director’s Guide, and 30 Student Scripts.
Casting & Production
1 gender-flexible lead role 8 featured roles where singing is not required
Expandable, gender-flexible ensemble of kids
MISS NELSON / VIOLA SWAMP (played by the same actor) – could be played by an adult or an older child who can help to keep the pace of the dialogue moving; could be played by a woman or a man in drag; all musical lines (there aren’t many) can be spoken if necessary
MISS NELSON – sweet; kind; pretty; wears long flowy dresses in pastel colors (this long skirt will be used to hide the VIOLA SWAMP tights underneath)
VIOLA SWAMP – mean; scary; ugly; wears yellow and green striped tights with a black dress and at least one removable accessory (pointed glasses, prosthetic nose, etc.)
5 JANITORS (no singing required) – the narrators; wear coveralls; can be played by boys or girls (if necessary, switch JOHNNY to JILLY and/or switch MURRAY to MILLY)
POP HANSON – makes a popping sound when he says his name
PENNY WHISTLER – whistles when her name is said
JOHNNY BONES – does a hand-jive when his name is said
MURRAY SNAPSBERG (“SNAPPY”) – snaps when his name is said
BUD – no sound effect
2 DETECTIVES (no singing required) – bumbling; clumsy; inept detectives; can be played by boys or girls; dress like Sherlock Holmes – signature hats and capes, handle-bar mustaches, pipes, large magnifying glasses
DETECTIVE MCSMOGG – takes the lead
DETECTIVE McSMOOG – the sidekick
MR. BLANDSWORTH (no singing required) – the boring Principal; wears a pastel shirt, a funny tie/bowtie, and nerdy glasses; can be played by a boy or a girl (switch to MRS if necessary)
12 STUDENTS – can be cast gender-blind; all go by their own names (or a name they choose); wear pastels, as in the original book
Music and Materials
Director’s Script – 1
Cast Scripts and Vocal Books – 30
Piano/Vocal Score – 2
Guide Vocal Tracks – 1
Performance Tracks – 1
Logo Pack – 1
Book, Music and Lyrics by JOAN CUSHING
Based on the book “Miss Nelson is Missing” and “Miss Nelson is Back” by HARRY ALLARD
Illustrated by JAMES MARSHALL
Younger@Part® Edition Adapted by TESSA FARR