Mrs. Harrison

Dark Comedy


At their 10-year college reunion, Aisha and Holly meet by chance. Aisha is a Black, successful playwright; Holly is a white, struggling stand-up comedian. Aisha’s most successful play bears a striking resemblance to a tragic event in Holly’s life. Is it a coincidence or is it theft? They both have a story that they’ve been telling themselves about what happened years ago and they’re both willing to fight for the truth in the present.

Casting & Production


AISHA — 32, Black
HOLLY — 32, white


A well-appointed faculty restroom at a prestigious university. Present day.


“Every once in a (great) while, a new work in Philadelphia premieres with such power and promise that it demands to be seen by a much wider audience. That play is Mrs. Harrison at Azuka Theatre. That playwright is R. Eric Thomas.”
—Jim Rutter, Philadelphia Inquirer

“It feels essential right now in the American theatre to hold a tough mirror up to liberal audiences, and this play is doing that work. What a nuanced, challenging play. I really appreciated the slow burn. I loved that we got to spend 70 minutes with two complicated, flawed women.”
—Bonaly Reviews
