Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B

Dark Comedy
3W, 1M


An irreverent, darkly comic, modern take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous sleuth and sidekick. This fast-paced romp re-examines the world’s most famous detective story with a bold new feminist lens. In this highly theatrical, small-cast escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? Is it even a name?) Holmes & Joan Watson join forces to emerge from pandemic fog as a deeply codependent, quasi-dysfunctional Odd Couple adventure duo—solving mysteries and kicking butts, until they come face to face with a villain who seems to have all of the answers.

Casting & Production


SHERLOCK HOLMES — 30s-40s, female-identifying. A once-in-a-generation genius. Eccentric. Focused, to a fault. Can be less-than-sensitive. Always playing psychological 3-D chess; operating on a totally different level than civilians. Like many geniuses, has a megalomaniac streak. Gets bored easily; likes applause; sometimes accused of being unfeeling. LOVES costumes and drama.

DR. JOAN WATSON — 30s-40s, female-identifying. American. Formerly type-A high-achiever. Recently divorced; struggling to find herself, feels broken. Reflexively defensive. Once had great bedside manner. Sometimes accused of being a loser; is not a loser. Wry. Smart.

IRENE ADLER / MRS. HUDSON / MRS. DREBBER — Late 20s-40s, female-identifying.
Irene Adler: A whip-smart, super-charming sex worker finding success at the highest levels. Always playing psychological 3-D chess; operating on a totally different level than civilians. Has incredible charm, confidence, and wit, and she knows it—uses it without mercy. You may want to be Irene, or you may want to be with Irene; but you can’t ignore her.
Mrs. Hudson: Holmes & Watson’s long-suffering landlady.
Mrs. Drebber: Seemingly an ordinary housewife. Somebody you would be very wise not to underestimate.

MORIARTY / LESTRADE / ELLIOT MONK — 30s-50s, male-identifying.
Moriarty: A criminal so great you’ve never heard of him. A master blackmailer; knows just when to play his cards. Always playing psychological 3-D chess; operating on a different level than civilians. Wears many masks. A professional. Amoral, but you’d like him.
Lestrade: An inspector new to his position at Scotland Yard. Not very imaginative. Often says the wrong thing.
Elliot Monk: An amoral tech billionaire from Texas.


Today. And also spring 2021. Mostly set in London and the surrounding areas. Sometimes set in your theater, right now, right this moment — look, we’re right behind you!


“Witty & relevant. Hamill pays homage to Doyle’s mysteries while using a feminist lens to tackle contemporary issues of gender, revenge porn, the dark web economy, and the pandemic’s toll—and she does so with incredible care and wit. Sharp, playful, and moves at a rapid-fire pace… hilarious.”
—Portland Monthly

“MS. HOLMES & MS. WATSON – APT 2B simultaneously plays homage to and flips on its head the detective story tropes to show what happens when women are in charge… Delightful and entertaining.”

“Witty dialogue, brisk physical comedy, and a female-centered spin on time-honored characters… Hamill’s work reflects an interest in creating varied theatrical roles for femme characters beyond what the “classics” have afforded us, and injecting a modern sensibility that helps us notice points of view that haven’t been given space to breathe… delightful.”

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