Singles In Agriculture

2w, 1m


Trying her luck at an annual dating convention for farmers, a South Carolina army widow who loves Modern Family and talks to her goats angles for romance with an Oklahoma fundamentalist. Over the course of an evening, as she tests his convictions and pries into his darkest secrets, both characters must confront the painful reasons they’ve been starving for love for so long.

Casting & Production


JOEL — Male, late 30s-40s, a dairy farmer from rural Oklahoma

PRISCILLA — Female, late 20s-early 30s, a goat farmer from rural upstate South Carolina

LOIS — Female, late 40s or above, a hotel security guard in Galveston, Texas


A low-budget hotel room in Galveston.



“Smart and sensitive, SINGLES IN AGRICULTURE is a triumph. A big-hearted play with a darkly comic core. You probably can’t remember the last erotic play you saw about contemporary farmers, so you know this
show is fresh… 80 minutes of continuous action, [it’s] a sexy, startling, and ultimately uplifting piece of theater.”
—Sarah Matusek, New York Theatre Review

“Wonderfully wrought. Just when you might think you have Abby Rosebrock’s SINGLES IN AGRICULTURE easily pegged, are you ever in for an amazing and welcome surprise—a number of them, actually. Life is filled with ups and downs, of course, and SINGLES IN AGRICULTURE demonstrates it with a grace and conviction that’s as admirable as it is rare.”
—Bert Osborne, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
