The Brightest Thing

(Or, The Squonk Play)

15-30+ Any


An American Fable that’s tinged with sadness about a girl’s imaginary journey in a hot air balloon to rescue her mother.

Casting & Production


EMELIA — A curious girl.
FATHER — Her father. Very busy.
BIG FAIRY — A large fairy working for Amazon. Tiny wings. Maybe a tutu? Male-identifying.
THE SQUONK — A mythical furry beast with self-esteem issues. The Squonk can look like anything, but very weird, covered in warts or hair, and usually frightened or sad. Female-identifying.
THE BALLOONIST — A man of industry. Top hat. Spiffy vest. Perhaps a handlebar mustache. Played by the actor who plays Father.
THE JACKALOPE — a mythical creature with antler horns and an attitude. Aggressive and small.
MANNY THE MANATEE — a Manatee. Female-identifying. Played by the actor who plays Mother.
SAM — A mean alligator, any gender.
CLIVE — A a mean alligator, any gender.
BEETLEJUICE — A red giant star, any gender.
SIRIUS — The dogstar, any gender.
POLARIS — The north star, any gender.
MURDER HORNET — A very large hornet. Not friendly.
SNOWBEARD — A pirate with an eye patch and ski gear. He has a hook for a hand.
MAGIC — This is the Chorus and consists of as many actors as necessary. The MAGIC can also double as all the other characters except BIG FAIRY and EMELIA.


America, both real and imagined.