The Smuggler



Winner of the Best Playwright Award at Origin Theatre’s 1st Irish Festival.

Tim Finnegan is an Irish immigrant trying to make it as a writer on Amity, an affluent summer colony in Massachusetts, where tensions flare between the migrant and local communities after a fatal car crash. When he loses his job as a bartender, Tim gets drawn into the dark underbelly of the island. The play examines how far one man will go to restore his self-respect and asks, “What does it mean to be an American citizen?”

Casting & Production


TIME FINNEGAN – Late 20’s to 40ish
Irish male, living in America. A Citizen.

Tim Finnegan is a ringmaster. He likes to entertain. He is a manipulator. The more he brings the audience to his side the more they will go home with him. There are epiphanic moments in the play and places he realizes things are beyond his control. Places where he acts against character,but he understands this is now part of his journey. Tears. Shouts. Guffaws. Laughs. But he is trying to be a winner. And he wants you to know it. He is a trying to be a survivor and he wants you to celebrate it. And if not, he doesn’t care. So lean into it when Tim doesn’t say nice things. Pissing his audience off is not something that bothers him. He is doing it for his family and his dignity. This exposes his true character. And let the audience, upon exit, determine whether he is good or bad.