The Three Sisters Brontë

3w, 6m


Set against the bleak and windy Yorkshire moors in the 1800s, THREE SISTERS BRONTË follows the lives of the Brontë sisters as they struggle to find creative prosperity while navigating the harsh realities of male society. Faced with limited opportunities for scholarly women, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne live in the rich worlds of their imaginations, dreaming of life in London, until they are forced to face the truth that nothing is certain, and their destinies are best served when held firmly in their own hands. As their brother Branwell descends into madness and their father grows blind, the three sisters must find a way to make their own living in an era when men of means asked “the woman question”: what does society do with educated unmarried women? Inspired by THREE SISTERS by Anton Chekhov, who reportedly read THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTË a few years earlier before his play opened, THREE SISTERS BRONTË explores the parallels in the lives of the real life Brontës and the fictional Prozorovs.

Casting & Production


CHARLOTTE BRONTË — a former governess. 28 years old.

EMILY BRONTË — her sister, 26 years old.

ANNE BRONTË — their sister, 24 years old.

BRANWELL BRONTË — their brother, 27 years old.

PATRICK BRONTË — their father, 60s, a Yorkshire parson.

ARTHUR BELL NICHOLLS — Patrick Brontë’s curate.

WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN — a curate, 20s.

SMITH — another curate.

THE VICAR OF BRADFORD — 50-70s, an old friend of Patrick’s.

CROSBY —a visitor. Can double with SMITH


The Brontë parsonage in Haworth, Yorkshire.

Act I, Scene i January, 1844.
Act I, Scene ii A year and a half later. July, 1845
Act II, Scene i Two years later. July, 1847
Act II, Scene ii bA year and a half later. December, 1848